Monday, September 8, 2008


Can any one tell me more about this school? Idea is good but feedback from present parent are not good.


Apka said...

Hey, How is the school doing now. I went to the school and liked it. but this forum confuses me :(

Anonymous said...

its in pathetic state....started with high standrds ,somewhere lost their way. its just a regular next door school with less no of children
(they have not been able to manage more than 200 in the whole school running till class 6). you see differnt faces (teachers)in every ptm. dont have counts how many heads (so called headmistress or principals) have changed in last 3 years....the big question is why to pay through your nose for all this when you get the same treatment in any other place......

Anonymous said...

hey who are u -July,20 2010 10:52???? u have so many grudges?? then y is ur child in the school at all.. & if ur child is not then y are u on this forum?????????my child is in the school since more than 2 years.. he's doing extremely well. He's improved a whole lot.. love the management they are very open to meeting any & every parent. the teacher who taught my child in nursey is still very much there so obiously whoever is writitng all this crap about my child's school should just stop it or slse i'll get into the details & find out whether u r an actual parent or some1 who is just trying to play with the school.... So be aware....OPG is in every way a truely GREAT SCHOOL!!!

Unknown said...

bakwaas school ever seen

Anonymous said...

Can any parent whose child is still with OPG give a realistic feedback about the school? We are relocating to Dwaraka next month, and OPG is one of the schools I am trying at the moment..Any feedback would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

My child is going in class2 from this acadamic year...i liked the school..conduct of the teachers and management is good...also i liked the curriculam...few drawbacks I saw was....i) the transport management is horrible. ii) the school timing of 8.30 to 3.30 is not a great advantage. probably they are doing it to make sure that the child takes the food from the school and they can earn some money out of it. iii)I feel it is too expensive. But still would wait for a year to see how my child fares up before making a decision.

Anonymous said...

I was totally impressed after reading their prospectus and felt that OPG is the right place for my child...Although the fees was exhorbitant, I chose to admit my child there...But, I have now found that it is merely another private school with no difference...the aim is not to provide a high class education, but to mint money...I am quite disappointed with myself that I have chosen this school...After all why should we pay extra for a school which is not different from others? Although for the time being, I have no option...hope will be able to find a better school next year...People have suggested to me Indrpastha Public schoo, G.D. Goenka, Sachdeva, and Venkateshwara....Could anyone guide me which would be the best of these....One last suggestion...Please try to take everything in wiring, as much as possible, from OPG as they change their verbal commitments later and you may find yourself stranded...

Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement that the scholl started on a positive note around4-5 years back and the management looked promising but the school has not ben able to live upto the expectations, considering the amount of money they charge I would request the readers to choose some other school as the OPG world school management is trying too hard to break even rather then considering it to be a noble profession or may be too many cooks (almost the entire family and friend circle are into the management) are spoiling the broth at OPG..... Very true that they have not been able to carve a niche due to management's laid back attitude. They really need to change their approach in order to transform and yeah my kid is ofcourse studying at OPG and I will ensure that we get the school changed in the next session if nothing changes coz you certainly get the same or better reciprocation in substantially lesser money than you end up paying at OPG.

Davinder Pal Singh said...

ne one who can provide info. on the latest happenings in school

Anonymous said...

Just Visited the school, they are admitting students in Nursery on first come basis. Could not understand what makes them do that. Can any one let me know if it is wise admitting my child there..A honest review here is appreciated.


DA said...

School is doing really good. Teachers take good care of the kids. My son is in nursery. He has learnt being independent in lot many ways. They teach student in good way without creating much pressure in an innovative way. They teach children with more practical rather than just bookish knowlege. My son has also been good exposure to stage from time to time.
They even hve extra curricular activites like tykondo, swimming, horse riding, computers. The way they build personality of child is good. They learn to be on their own withour fear and without hesitation. I m highly impressed with the school

Krishh said...

Dear Anonymous, do u mind if i ask u a question. Ur concern is that school is giving admission on first come first basis. Are you really satisfied if admissions are given on POINT system basis and by putting burden on ur pocket in form of donation? Only because v r getting somethng in an easy way does not mean it is bad.
To answer ur question in simple words "it is a very good school."

Anonymous said...

I am still confused...

Anonymous said...

I am totally confused. Should I go for the OPG or not pl. help

Manju said...

OPG is gud....they are doing very gud now academically and otherwise as well

Tarachand said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

rnothenExperience is the reality of life. So, I think it better go for one year because you cant trust others experience

Anonymous said...

it is a good child has completed one year in class ii...i have seen lot of improvement in someone pointed out here, i am impressed with their method of teaching...i have decided to continue with OPG...

Anonymous said...

The first day,orientation day, was really impressive. Lets wait and watch the next.One parent was arguing at the reception regarding some meal issue. Hopefully our child gets good food.

Anonymous said...

The fee was hiked significantly (even for Foundation) and letter was posted on the evening of Parents Orientation. This should have told during orientation so that we could talk to directors who were present there.

This fee has been hiked from the fee promised at the time of admission. Not Fair and not ethical practice.

Orientation could have more organised, over all it was OK. everyone was appearing tense. However class teachers were cheerful in my case.

Anonymous said...

The school is really good and the teachers are really cooperative. My child has spent 1 year in this school and its good to see kind of bonding he has with his teachers and the supporting staff members. Though i have not seen many schools but they cannot be better than this.

Anonymous said...

it is a good school...yes, the fee hike is a concern...wonder whether they will hike it again next year..but I guess, they are still competitive as compared to other schools with same infrastruction and facilities...My child is very happy going to OPG.

Anonymous said...

Too much of anonymous gas from both sides - whether parents or management. It is better if both sides discuss it openly in the PTMs rather than wear plastic smiles there and vent it out here in cyberspace.

Anonymous said...

The school is not recognised from Directorate of Education. They dont have recognition no issued by the delhi education department. As per Delhi school Education Act and Rules 1973, No school can hike the fee more than 10% of tuition fee per year. And more surprisingly no details of 800 Rs. Jussst miscellaneous charges does not clarify the issue. If this was the vision of Late She O.P. Gupta jee than it is jussst a DKAAAN like any other school. The school is jusst like a ship without radar, mean to say school without principal.The school must give the details of stationary items which they are providing and parents should have freedom to buy it from anywhere. We know the school has only one source of income that is students fee. But there should be clarity. If our pocket allow we will go for OPG otherwise there are many schools.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking to send my child to OPG for 3 rd grade, can anyone give us review about how the school is doing.
Cause after reading all the post in this blog I do not get good image about the school.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir/Ma'am

I had the same problem at the time of admission of my child. I thought I should go for the school and find out the reality. And now after four months experience, I firmly advise you to not go for OPG. Uchi dukaan fiki pakwan wali kahawat bilkul sahi lagati hai school par. Actually school shows off very high but as far as quality is concerned it has nothing. Hardly 500-600 students no principal and the school follows no rule and regulation. There is a lady , Ms Poonam at the reception who keeps telling lie about the school and make you to get your child admit in the school.In my case she told we have only 2seat left if you really wanna to see your child in OPG go fast and bring the fee. After 1week another lady called me up and requested pl take admission.Finally I suggest you go for another school .

Meera said...

If students are less that doesnt mean study is bad....I think they take good care of kids...A lil personal kind of attention....they are making kids learning basics so nicely. Its really good to see the way they teaching spelling, evs concepts, numbers and hindi akshar. Atleast the child is not just mugging things they are actually understanding. I like the way they promote the kids for stage shows....even though my son didnt take any position but the stage fear is gone....and has an improved personality....I m sure school will be doing really good in future.

Kapil said...

School cab facilities are not well maintained. They even don’t know about the particular route map how to pick and drop a child. Very-2 poor facilities of cab and even when we call to school they also don’t have any idea. School frequently change cab person. The transport management is horrible.

Anonymous said...

I have my child in OPG and was quite satisfied by opg earlier but now i think everything keeps changing and there is no one to see what actually is happening in the classrooms. Directors have great vision but very poor management that no check on work no proper exams no proper home works as though koi mazak ho raha hai and on top of it they say that all is in mind of kids so dont refer copies. Dont know whats going to happen :(

Anonymous said...

can anybody tell me how much is the fees per month for nursery?

Anonymous said...

My son is in OPG for the past one year and he is doing very well.The mschool mgmt people isalso very good. I tried so many schoolsin dwarka, whre they asked for a one time fees of 75,000 initially for pre kg in ***dana international and rude people at ***public school , also, the much trusted brand name ****pride is a eyewash with all 12 th passed out as teachers, and the great ***ka opening admission from septem itself.....comparing all these ,i decided to put my son in OPG, where i paid only the fees, with 0 donation, which has better infra..and so on..Everyone shud visit every school,have a talk with the mgmt, only then u can sense the pulse of it. OPG is really a GOOD SCHOOL.

Gagandeep Kaur said...

I have also applied for admission to OPG in nursery...can neone enlighten me on the current status of the school...

Anonymous said...

My child is in OPG in classs III. I wouldnt like to pass any judgement about the school, but would like to share some points for those who are looking for admission in this school.

a)good infrastructure
b)only 25 students in class

Short comings:
a)No real emphasis practice especially for mathematics.

b)No emphasis on handwriting, correction of spelling

c) chcking of notebooks are very randomn...

d)do not explain the children about the mistake they make. Example-"I saw a car" and "I saw the car"...the difference is not explained to them.

e)most of the activites promised are either not conducted or conducted for name sake

Anonymous said...

OPG World School is gr8 for Pre school and Nursery but beyond that they cannot handle the school. they have no vision , no clue, their academic staff and principal s keep changing. no information is shared with the parents. No interactive teaching methods except for Smart Board. parents are paying through their nose but there is nothing in the name of activities to keep children occupied for Long school hours which is almost 8 hours. Note ooks are rarely checkd, no emphasis or help on taking care of kids Doubts. Great building and smart looking females just looks.

Anonymous said...

No school or teacher can fulfill your child's dream. It is your pain that will gain. You have to take pain. I have seen so many govt. school students who had done better than these kind of 5*school's students. Do not waste your money. Let your child take the experience of life. How a child can be a dontor or engineer in a centrally AC school???? And what if he has to work in a non ac room??? THINK YOUR PAPA OR ELDER PARENTS HAVE DONE GOOD WITHOUT THESE FACILITIES.

Anonymous said...

Have removed my child from the school...As some one said here, I agree that, ultimately, the pain has to be taken by the parents...then why to pay so much?

dissapointed parent said...

We enrollled our child in OPG world school with great expectations. We were happy for two years. Our child got excellent reviews from his teachers. They marveled at him having outstanding reading skills and drawing and painting skills, his maths English vocabulary and spelling were beyond class average. However, if they find that your child has special needs they treat you very shabbily. Sometimes all that a child with special needs requires is a shadow teacher and a special educator in school to help him/ her tide over difficulties like rapid pace of curriculum, handrwriting issues, concentration issues, social interaction with other classmates etc They are in sensitive enough to say that they do not have the infrastructure to provide all this to a child. They waste precious hours on practice sessions for multiple events all thru the year and later pressurize children to complete the sylabbus. But they blow Rs. 500/- child on costumes which are never ever used again. Who pays for all this? Its us parents. We no longer send him to this school anymore.
If your child can manage with a regime where its is all too relaxed and then suddenly pressurizing and if there are no special issues then go ahead with this school. Have fun. Only thing is, it is like any other school in dwarka. Lots of style but limited substance. They can handle students who are ready to confirm easy to teach and manage. They wold like to wash their hands off if the job is slightly challenging and calls for high level of teaching skills and expertise.

Geetanshi said...

Only 50 printed sheets and a book in a a year for foundation class and some colors etc., really cost 3000/ Rs. ??????? Kavita jee if you are following these reviews pl. reply !!!! is it really a school or a shop !!! Shameful act on the name of imparting quality education.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the disappointed parents. Never ever think about OPG.See, finally our child has to compete with those students who are doing well in their academic part. So make your child academically sound as well as.

Nikki said...

My child was in play group and has now gone to pre nursery. So far my experience has been good. The teachers are affectionate and very attentive which is good especially when the children are just 2-3 years old. I do agree however that the fees, especially transport is very high. 1700 RS a month within 3-4 mms doesn't make much sense. Plus they are charging for the month of June as well. 3000 RS for 1 nursery rhyme book worth a few 100 is also not well understood. Maybe they will give more later? I would stick around for a year because ultimately, my child is learning and enjoying in the class.

Anonymous said...

I agree the managment is totally insensitive towards the needs of special children as well as children as a whole. They have no respect for parents or children, They treat the meoitions of children shabbily and snu parents for the mistakes of the school. they really should shut down the school or pass it to professionals. They have no clue about education they are better off making batteries and inverters. They dont know the diffrence between inverters and children.

Anonymous said...

Dissatisfied n cheated parent
Some one said the school is good so we put our child in opg school Dwarka,but they gave us the worst teachers who believed in corporal punishments like stand or used bad words n on top of that children were given wrong homework copies n books ,n teachers wrote late submission.children who are even learning spelling of submission ,why can't the teachers give back proper books on proper maths practis e those unprofessional teachers bothered to do etehmselvs and then in name of grading they show we don't have exam no eam sheets,.not even a single ptm they bother to conduct n management don't even know what these hitler teachers. Do with students.when no activity calender is given no time table ,receptionists keep changing .Such teachers who chill n enjoy no need. To teach as you don't need ptm for six months n give a shut up call if parent ask anything .if such teachers are ppreciated in this school .i doubt th ehoensty n integrity of this honest show syllabus n books n show that your teachers are good tehy won't behave liek normal teachers but worthy d ib school teacher n give ib if it's world school.language teachers need to write themselves on copies so that thier handwritten photostat on children copy will encourage children also to write n maths please take msc math so that she is clear about concepts herself n not mental maths abacus n such obsolete things ,but be good in speed maths .n have a syllabus curriculum if you have recognition g from any borad.distance education n private bed,MBA mac but who do bed nowadays join teaching as marriag en children so easy job,but instead take innovative. Not experince debut rigid teachers for younger children as. Tehy scare them.i feel sad for someone who invested so much on beautiful infrastructure lacked teachrs who could honesty n honour is important so we decided we should not be insulted anymore ,coustomers who pay you need to be respected dn not insulted by the employees who get paid by your school.
Do they keep ofiice admsinistration people in ofiice who have done office administration or any one. Just spaeking in English n enough.teh teachers. Do they even tell about ptm or call parents. What or when. Will be done,.the teacher tell parenst don't ever call me just write in Lancashire the only conversation between us will be that,t?may be the director even don't know about it as some teachers like math n English teachers dot evernote write single sentence themselves I copies,n expect children to b eramanujam to know speed maths themselves.the che management allows n forces such teachers on us

Anonymous said...

Dissatisfied n cheated parent
Some one said the school is good so we put our child in opg school Dwarka,but they gave us the worst teachers who believed in corporal punishments like stand or used bad words n on top of that children were given wrong homework copies n books ,n teachers wrote late submission.children who are even learning spelling of submission ,why can't the teachers give back proper books on proper maths practis e those unprofessional teachers bothered to do etehmselvs and then in name of grading they show we don't have exam no eam sheets,.not even a single ptm they bother to conduct n management don't even know what these hitler teachers. Do with students.when no activity calender is given no time table ,receptionists keep changing .Such teachers who chill n enjoy no need. To teach as you don't need ptm for six months n give a shut up call if parent ask anything .if such teachers are ppreciated in this school .i doubt th ehoensty n integrity of this honest show syllabus n books n show that your teachers are good tehy won't behave liek normal teachers but worthy d ib school teacher n give ib if it's world school.language teachers need to write themselves on copies so that thier handwritten photostat on children copy will encourage children also to write n maths please take msc math so that she is clear about concepts herself n not mental maths abacus n such obsolete things ,but be good in speed maths .n have a syllabus curriculum if you have recognition g from any borad.distance education n private bed,MBA mca anyone get aprivate bedbut who do bed nowadays join teaching as marriag en children so easy job,but instead take innovative. Not experinced n t rigid teachers for younger children as. They scare them.i feel sad for someone who invested so much on beautiful infrastructure lacked teachrs who could honesty n honour is important so we decided we should not be insulted anymore ,coustomers who pay you need to be respected dn not insulted by the employees who get paid by your school.
Do they keep ofiice admsinistration people in ofiice who have done office administration or any one. Just spaeking in English n enough.teh teachers. Do they even tell about ptm or call parents. What or when. Will be done,.the teacher tell parenst don't ever call me just write in almanac n such teachers end get away as parents are not important jut take money n give. Nay teacher n whatever maltreatment parents get but teachers are supreme they have a parent portal which only director ad sinter like queens valley n presidium whre director has given personal number to parents regarding any misbehaviour of teachers as tehy are clear teachers are hire don hourly basis for thier skills no gossiping n insulting parents during that time the only conversation between us will be that,t?may be the director even don't know about it as some teachers like math n English teachers dot evernote write single sentence themselves I copies,n expect children to b eramanujam to know speed maths themselves.the che management allows n forces such teachers on us

Anonymous said...

Even I am facing the same problem. My kid is in foundation C and his class teacher kanika is a different kind of irresponsible , rude and harsh creature. She scold such a small kids infront of everyone. She doesn't put in any effort in my kids learning , instead in today's PTM she was consistently crib about my kid, however my kids love to Go to school and enjoy studies. Prior today I always thought my kid is careless by nature and might be could not pay attention but after today's PTM experience when found that kanika is consistently talking negative about my kid and not even single time she
Mentioned about any of his abilities and postive things. Being a parent I am afraid of my kid that what kind of struggle my kid is going thru every day!! I am in a situation where I can not even take him out in a mid session. My sincere request to the principle to plz give proper training to teachers and help them understand that each kid is special. I request you to please take strict action against her.

Anonymous said...

can anyone let me know the complete fee structure............ thanksa

Anonymous said...

great school!! u must consider it for your child, academically strong school.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the information, how are the teachers ? whats the fee structure of the school

Anonymous said...

fee structure comparable to other dwarka schools. is appropriate and affordable. good no. of facilities being provided.

Anonymous said...

My son is in class 2. i am happy with the school. the facilities provided are good and the school takes good care of children. my son has really come up in terms of his personality. everyday he looks forward to go to school. infact he has learnt swimming and skating in the school itself. my son has also improved a lot in english speaking. teachers are good. they take care and are completely involved.

Anonymous said...

Nice to have a good feedback on the school. since i am currently residing outside India but coming back next month is it possible to get my child admitted in class 3 in mid-session. Do we need to contact the Principle of the school or is there any other procedure.Thanks for all the information. It gets easier for the parent to choose the school.

Anonymous said...

They are an UNRECOGNISED School ! That means they dont have recognition from the Department of Education government of Delhi! Its a school run by a family only for making money!
There is nothing like school management!
6 members of school owners family with blood relations are there in the school managing comitee! Which is illegal


Anonymous said...

Principal Romi Chawla dont have any TGT or PGT degree to even become a teacher and here she is the principal in this school!

She was doing admission marketing in mothers pride previously and here she is the principal!
They are playing with the future of kids! Shamefull

Anonymous said...

The owners are running a construction company from the school premises illegally
The company Name is Centrodorstroy India Pvt Ltd! Pls check on google in contact us on company website

Anonymous said...

What a sad state of affairs, Lalji running a educational institution as a factory, they have no values no ethics. what more can you expect from a sad lot of people, they have no respect for education, Teachers , parents , children. This school is just to save the taxes of OPG business group. The whole bunch of liars sitting in the management, I don't know what are they going to teach our children our next gen.

Anonymous said...

i dont agree with the above...the school is professionally managed...and pretty decently...i can vouch for my personal experience....

Anonymous said...

one has to get into the school to see the ethics and moral values being taught....its very easy to talk from a ward is in class 2 and am sure such notorious comments can tarnish my child's the last four years that my child has been at OPG, i havent had any such feeling or thought...

Anonymous said...

My child is in class 6, and after reading the above comments I went to the School to check whether whatever written here is correct...i contacted the School authorities and got to know that the earlier VIce Principal - Manisha Upadhyay has been terminated from services because of being incompetent and it seems she has done a lot of financial burglaring in the school. Also she is now trying to create a notorious picture of the School. My child has been at OPG since last 4 years and i have never ever faced any problem. Infact I have been in constant touch with Mrs Romi Chawla - the Principal and am very impressed with her. She gives instant solutions to any problems that i have ever discussed with her. Also the school informed me that they were due for the recognition by the next month and once it happens they would let everyone know about the same...I think it is very easy to write negative comments about an institution to fulfil your personal motives...however, please check your informaton and then comment...

Anonymous said...

I am completely in agreement to what you are saying...I would like to here state that even I have discussed things at length with the school and came to know that Romi Mam is highly qualified and experienced to run the school. She is an M. Sc and a B. Ed and has worked for 17 long years in the education sector. Please check your information before writing anything in this blog. By writing such untrue information, you are trying to play with the future of our children.

Anonymous said...

my feeling - good school and good teachers. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Frankly i love the management at OPG. They are very open and listen to all your problems. They also give solutions,. Tell me which other school is open to hear you out any time and every time????

Anonymous said...

nice school and nice management. my child happy. teacher knows everything about my child. atleast teacher not lost. she will tell you all the little details about your child.

Anonymous said...

great school of the few schools which provides meals to all children. i am happy that my daughter gets wholesome, fresh and warm meals. I donot have to get up in the morning to pack food. whatever she is eating is great by hygiene standards and liked by her...just love it!!

Anonymous said...

I am already fed up of ****ort school in dwarka and was looking for a better school.I heard Romi Chawal is from mothers pride and really can't trust anyone with experience from.mothers pride.they are the most insensitive bunch of people.
Thanks for the info people!I am happy I got to know the truth before another horrible experience!
Please suggest a good school with special need setup in dwarka.

Anonymous said...

i moved in from Chandigarh...mid term transfer...was tensed as to where to put my child...researched and met opg team...very impressive...they offred me admission in the middle of the session ...also made me meet the Principal...very cordial and understanding ...very child also settled in the first week itself..

Anonymous said...

totally agree! my child is happy and wakes up every day ready to run to school! studies wise he is doing good. last year got a medal in NCO. GOOD SCHOOL!!!

Anonymous said...

completely agree. my child is into a lot of activities and academically also she is doing well. recently she won an award in an inter-school dance competition. also she has become a proficient speaker and evolved as a confident person. kudos to the school for such an acheivement!

Anonymous said...

I shifted my child from ***fort school in dawrka to OPG. I can see a humongous change in my ward in a very positive way. I am in agreement that the school is good and very good hand-holding of a new child.

Anonymous said...

very comparative fee structure at OPG . no hidden costs. all activities included.

Anonymous said...

earlier after reading the negative comments I was moved. however, i have observed that none of such things happen at OPGWS. My child (she is in Class 7) is performing well. I used to get affected by such negative blogs earlier but now i have realised and seen with my own eyes that the school is doing a wonderful job. when i compare OPG to schools where my friends send there children, i find that OPG is very good in certain aspects like less no of children in a class and complete attention.

Anonymous said...

It looks like OPG is doing good...i will definitely go and checkout for my child.Thanks for helping. One more thing - Do they conduct horse riding sessions at School..if yes will be great!

Anonymous said...

Yes, they do conduct horse riding sessions...i am sure you will like the school!

Anonymous said...

Hi. My child is in class kg in OPG. I drop my child every day to school and see this one parent standing every day at the school gate for hours together just like a beggar, and tries to coax parents into negativity. most of the parents ignore him but his routine is set- he doesnt budge from the gate. my question is that if you have such problems then why are u even continuing in the school. i am a happy parent and such things DONOT bother me!!!

Anonymous said...

totally agree. trying to create negativity is the worst thing one could do and that too for no reason...shameful! P

Anonymous said...

I do not think it is right to tarnish the image of a school in such a way...this is completely objectionable. tell me which school in dwarka has so many activities, meals being prepared in the school and being served to children in hygenic conditions, fully ac environment, only 25 children in a classroom, management ready to listen to parents any time...the list is endless... it is not that i am very pro OPG but i want to judge things in a balanced way ...and my opinion about the school is that it is doing good...period!

Anonymous said...

i think it is a matter of grapes being sour for someone..this parent doesnt seem concerned for his own child's future and trying to ruin the future of others as well! if your child is in OPG and you hold so may grudges, so are you trying that all others also become negative!

Anonymous said...

yes, school is doing good. experience so far has been good and i dont foresee anything bad in future as well!

Anonymous said...

So far the response for my child, who is class 8 in OPG, has been overwhelming. She has become very responsible and smarter. Participation in any inter or intra school activity has become a regular feature. Lot of interactions with the school as a parent and i am totally satisfied. Infact i would call it complete ecstasy for parents!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tellme how are the current lot of teachers at OPG??? I am keen to put my child in the coming session.

Anonymous said...

I find the teachers to be good at OPG. very congenial, caring and concerned. my child is happy. i also quite satisfied with the feedback that i get. most importantly they have a walk-in time every week and i have an opportunity to meet with my child's teachers and share my concerns- which is good. one more important point - the teachers speak well.

Hari P. said...

There are many Anonymous post here creating positive image of the school which does not seem genuine. Interested parents you be satisfied yourself before choosing OPG.

Pawan said...

Can someone tell me School fees structure for this current session for Class 1 ?

renu said...

I am quite happy with the is different from traditional ones where your child is beaten or slapped to kids are loved and taught in friendly manner yet all kids study really well....they gain good knowledge of things and they know what is what and they just don't rattafi things without any meaning. Great school good teachers.

Anonymous said...

Teachers are very good n friendly

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great experience. The teachers in the nursery wing give motherly care n affection to my child

Anonymous said...

I fail to understand if people r puttting such remarks on the blog...
They should not continue sending their children. Its a progressive school n is growing. Its awarded as the best school in Dwarka region. The group of teachers is great n give full attention to my child

Anonymous said...

Great News...the school is RECOGNIZED by the Directorate of Education...!!!

Anonymous said...

Opg is not even at the level to be called school. The only thing I easy admission and fancy staff. U need to know why r u looking for in d name of education

Anonymous said...

The activities that they boast of are all eye wash...the children can neither learn swimming nor horse riding with a frequency of once a week...tat too with strength of 25 kids on d ur eyes n use ur common sense ...

Anonymous said...

Can any one please clearly mention the per month\quaterly fee for prep?

Avinash said...

Hi my child is in prep ...the fee is pretty nominal for a good school in dwarka...

Naresh Gandhi said...

I dont understand certain parents...they are not happy putting their children in schools with 40-50 children in a class room and when they come to a school like OPG where there are only 25 children in a class room, they are still not satisfied...
They really need to put only private tuitions for their child and stop sending their children to schools...
sorry if i sound impolite... but my child is in OPG and am a very satisfied child has learnt swimming and can trot himself on his horse without the jockey's help...i am happy...!!!

Jaya Sahni said...

we had a wonderful year this session at OPG...loads of activities, events and happenings. Infact the Annual Day was commendable. Very well organised and great show put up by kids. my kiddo is looking forward to the adventure camp planned in Feb/ March...Overall a great feeling!

Anonymous said...

iam really confused with the unmatching comments please advice me whether i should go for admissition for my two kid nursery and class 6 presently going to shanti gyan niketan .
please send in %age how much ur satisfied with the school .it really help other to judge.

Geeta said...

if you are looking for a good school, with focused approach and good extra curricular activities, then OPG is a good option... If you are looking for % then my view is 95% that u can go ahead with OPG. You should in fact meet the school personnel in order to understand things better...I think OPG should be a good option for both your children!

Anonymous said...

Hi Confused between MBS Dwarka and OPG Dwarka ..wanted my child to be admitted in both r offering admission on first cum basis ...kindly advice.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Would be pleased to share an adaptive learning platform to practice math worksheets online @

Anonymous said...

Making this thread live again. Any recent feedback for OPG School?

Anonymous said...

School is very reluctant to accept and work on issues. I had a complaint of sexual abuse with my daughter in KG class and school was not even listening or accepting the complaint. They also refused to show CCTV footage as well. Eventually, had to take my daughter out of the school in middle of the session to keep her away from nuisance.

Anonymous said...

What����!who was her class teacher? I was shocked . Why not FIR agaist the managment.Not a single parents not knew about this incidents.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I find the teachers to be good at OPG. very congenial, caring and concerned. my child is happy. i also quite satisfied with the feedback that i get. most importantly they have a walk-in time every week and i have an opportunity to meet with my child's teachers and share my concerns- which is good. one more important point - the teachers speak well, -

Anonymous said...

Raghav Prasad said...

This is a great inspiring article. Please share something on Delhi Public School Nursery Admission.